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Mrs. Mattison

Happy Hearts Breakout - a free digital game from www.breakoutedu.com

Grades: 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

Story: When the jelly gets into the peanut butter jar, when puddle water splashes up on the clean, shiny car, when concessions are out of my favorite snack, when I wake up late and my day gets off track… the things that I find that are breaking my heart are not all that bad once I just get a start on a game that will break me free from my strife and add just a little bit of fun to my life! Can you check out the puzzles and use the clues to avoid getting caught up in woes and the blues? Just click on a lock and then give it a try, and watch as your broken heart goes bye-bye! When you breakout, screenshot your breakout sign (command +shift + 4) and upload it to Seesaw! (If you did not break out, add a note to reflect on your experience.) Add a caption and reflect on what you thought about the Happy Hearts Breakout! Was it easy, hard, a little of both? Did you do it by yourself or with a friend? Feel free to use emojis in your response!

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

SHAPE LOCK = Connect the hearts of the same color to form the different shapes. Shapes are put in order according to the size of the hearts, from smallest to largest. NUMBER LOCK = Each set of colored hearts spells a number word. The first letter of each word has a number of white hearts on it. This also lets the players know the order of the numbers. ABC LOCK = The hearts are a riddle: What flower gives the most kisses on Valentine's Day? The answer is TULIP. DIRECTION LOCK = Read the recipe. Match the order the ingredient are mentioned to the color of the written ingredient, then match that color heart and arrow to figure out the direction. COLOR LOCK = Players put the cookie decorating in order from plain cookie to decorated. The color added in each step is the combination SHAPE LOCK = SQUARE - STAR - DIAMOND - TRiANGLE NUMBER LOCK = 9 - 1 - 8 - 7 - 6 ABC LOCK = T-U-L-I-P DIRECTION LOCK = RIGHT - DOWN - LEFT - RIGHT - DOWN COLOR LOCK = WHITE - PURPLE - WHITE - RED - BLACK
