Student Instructions
① Read "The Smiling Book" with me! ▶
② Use the highlighter and microphone
to mark and SING the "smiles" on the last page.
③ Tap the green check mark
to submit your work.
⋆ Hints for Helpers: The goal of this activity is vocal flexibility, and creative interpretation. Feel free to pause the video on each "page," and allow the student to investigate and evaluate each page. Encourage singing on "loo" or "whoo," and ask the child to reflect on what sound would fit each drawing best.
Teacher Notes (not visible to students)
"The Smiling Book" is great for vocal warm-up and melodic improvisation. But, it's very long for pre-k / kindergarten. This is an abridged version, with several pages skipped and some phrases revised. The book, published in 1971, is often available for purchase from used-book stores, if you would like the full version.