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Carmen Astacio

Afrolatinos project.

Grades: 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
Subjects: World Languages

Student Instructions

Lesson Objectives: Students will learn about and recognize contributions made by Afrolatinos to the United States. They will celebrate their heritage and culture. Activities: -Students will research famous Afrolatinos who have contributed to the United States. -The teacher will provide a famous Afrolatin@ celebrity for you to create a mini presentation. -Each student shares 6 facts about their Afro-Latino personality. Afrolatinos Research 1. Choose one Afrolatino(a) person you would like to research. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Afro-Latinos 2. Explain where does your famous afrolatino celebrity come from. (Add the flag, map, a place of interest) 3. Write what you already know about this person. 4. What questions do you have about this person? 5. Find photos or a video of your famous afrolatino, afrolatina or afrolatinx. 6. Upload your work. 👍🏽 seesaw Instructions: add *Change your background 1. Download 2-3 pictures photo of your celebrity (Afrolatino). 2. upload the pictures. 3. Click label and write sentences to tell the person's name, age, and origin. 4. Click label and include the following: Why is your Afrolatino personality famous? (Actor/Athlete/Writer...) 5. Add a video about your Afrolatino personality. 6. Click the check to submit.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Afro-Latinos (Afrolatinos list) https://www.oprahdaily.com/entertainment/g36942648/famous-afro-latinos/ https://noticieromovil.com/ten-afro-latinos-black-history-month/ https://youtu.be/craAcv415FM (Bruno Mars song) https://youtu.be/EzbzWerC9AM (Nuqui- Choquitown) https://youtu.be/86euddCdLnM (The truth about Afrolatinos) Afro-Latino Culture From prior research and knowledge, it is understood that AfroLatino heritage is derived from transportation of African slaves during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Most slaves were transported from Sub- Saharan African countries and dispersed through-out Latin America and the Caribbean. Some of these countries were Brazil, Haití, Dominican Republic, Perú, Panamá, Colombia, México, Cuba and Puerto Rico. ACTFL STANDARDS Interpretive Communication: -Understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics. Cultures: Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives -Use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between practices and perspectives of the cultures studied. Cultures: Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives -Use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between products and perspectives of the cultures studied. Connections: Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives -Access and evaluate information and diverse perspectives that are available through the language and its cultures.
