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Teachers, save “Sketch & Tell” to assign it to your class.

Mrs. Mayo

Sketch & Tell

Grades: 2nd Grade, 1st Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies

Student Instructions

1. On page 1, use the drawing tools to draw a picture of something that happened in the story. There may be directions from your teacher on what you should draw. 2. On page 2, answer the questions. Your teacher will tell you how you can answer the questions: label voice mic

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Please read before you assign: 1. Students will draw about something they read. You can be specific, (e.g. draw a picture about the setting, or draw a picture about the problem the main character is facing). On page 1, add a text box with what you want your students to draw. 2. On page 2, add specific questions you want your students to answer. Direct them to add their own text boxes, or allow them to use the microphone/voice to record their answers.
