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Teachers, save β€œOn the Go: Let's Go on a Shape Hunt!” to assign it to your class.

Suzanne Snead, Digital Learning Specialist

On the Go: Let's Go on a Shape Hunt!

Grades: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, Pre-K
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

Let's practice finding shapes in the classroom! Click on the ⭐to listen to the directions. Click the 🟒 add button to begin. 1. πŸ‘† the frame-photo tool to take a πŸ“· of a 🟑 in the classroom. 2. πŸ‘† the frame-photo tool to take a πŸ“· of a 🟩 in the classroom. 3. πŸ‘† the frame-photo tool to take a πŸ“· of a πŸ”Ί in the classroom. 4. Then click the dark 🟣 frame-voice to tell us about the shapes you found. 2. πŸ‘† 🟒 check when you are ready to turn it in.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

⭐Summary: Students will practice finding common shapes in the classroom. πŸ”‘ Key Vocabulary: shape, circle, square, triangle ⭐This is a supplemental activity that can be used in conjunction with your district curriculum. ⭐This activity is best used whole group on an interactive board where students come up and manipulate the objects in the activity or on individual devices in focused small groups (especially for any voice or screen recording/video activities).
