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Teachers, save “Likes and Dislikes” to assign it to your class.

Carmen Astacio

Likes and Dislikes

Years: 7th Grade
Subjects: World Languages

Student Instructions

¿Qué te gusta hacer? What do you like to do? I. Objectives 1. Talk about activities you like and do not like to do. 2. Ask others what they like to do. 3. Understand Cultural perspectives on favorite activities *Please use pictures (Can be your own pictures taken at home or internet pictures) and label your preferences in Spanish. *Use your Realidades vocabulary. II. Add at least 3-4 activities to each column and write about them under the picture.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Review the Quizlet vocabulary: https://quizlet.com/1628575/realidades-chap-1a-flash-cards/ The 5 C’s: Communication: to develop the ability to listen, to speak, to read, to comprehend and to write in the target language. Culture: to describe the daily activities of people around the world who are linked to the target language. Connections: to make connections to other core subjects within the use of the target language. Comparisons: to compare and contrast language and cultural practices from one language and/or culture to another. Community: to identify examples of how the target language and cultural practices influence our daily lives
