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Leslie Moritz

Open Middle Challenge - Rectangles: Maximizing Area

Grades: 4th Grade, 3rd Grade
Subjects: Math

Student Instructions

Read through and complete the Open Middle Challenge... 1. Tap on add 2. Read over the problem on Slide #1 carefully. 3. Solve the task using the shapes and label tools on Slides #1-2. If you prefer, you can solve the problem on a whiteboard or piece of paper, then take and share a photo of your work. 4. Be sure to show at least three rectangles with a perimeter of 24. Circle the rectangle with the greatest area. 5. Answer the questions on Slide #3 using the label or drawing tools. 6. Use the mic tool to explain your strategy and your thinking about area. 7. Tap on the check to add this task to your journal.

Teacher Notes (not visible to students)

Visit the Open Middle Website to find out more about this task and check possible answers. https://www.openmiddle.com/rectangles-maximizing-area/
