Instructions for Pupils
1. Click the Add Response button to begin. 2. You will use the pen, hand, and/or mic recording tools throughout this activity. 3. Make sure to read the directions on each page. 4. Check over your work on each page. 5. Click the green check mark to submit.
This activity was designed with a third grade standard in mind. The students are learning about equivalent fractions. This is a great activity for whole group, independent work, small groups, math rotation stations, enrichment, and/or remediation. This activity was remixed and adapted from Engage NY’s resources. The link to the resource is below. 3.NSF.2 Explain fraction equivalence (i.e., denominators 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10) by demonstrating an understanding that: a. two fractions are equal if they are the same size, based on the same whole, or at the same point on a number line; b. fraction equivalence can be represented using set, area, and linear models; c. whole numbers can be written as fractions (e.g., 4 = 4/1 and 1 = 4/4); d. fractions with the same numerator or same denominator can be compared by reasoning about their size based on the same whole. Denominators included in this activity are 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 10. Here is the Google Document I used to create this activity. --> Here are the graphics I used to created the activity. -->