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Kelly Hudson (khudson@steds.org)

🥁 (A1) Observing Sound

Grades: 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
Subjects: Science

Student Instructions

To observe means to notice or perceive something using the five senses and to register it as being significant. The five senses are the faculties of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, by which humans and animals perceive stimuli. You are going to make sound using a soda can. Sound is energy. All sounds start with a vibration. A vibration is the back and forth moving of an object. A can does not make sound unless something makes it vibrate. The purpose of this activity is to make accurate and detailed observations while learning how sound is created. Hands-on Activity 1. Think about all of the different ways you can make sound with a soda can. 2. Produce a minimum of 5 sounds with the soda can. Document the five different sounds with a photo and a 5-second video clip. 3. List how you made the sounds in the drawing of the soda can. 4. List your observations on the bottom of the sheet. 5. Upload your photos and video clips to Shadow Puppet in this order: a. Photo of 1st way you made sound. b. 5-second video clip of 1st way you made sound. c. Photo of 2nd way you made sound. d. 5-second video clip of 2nd way you made sound. e. Repeat. 6. Record a summary of how you made the sounds using the required vocabulary words. Your video cannot exceed 1 minute. 7. Upload your video to Seesaw. Required Content o Documented a minimum of 5 ways to make sounds with a soda can (5 photos and 5 short video clips) o Described observations of what was seen to produce sound with the can o Described observations of what was felt to produce sound with the can o Described observations of what was heard to produce sounds with the can o Purpose of the activity Required Vocabulary o Sound o Vibration o Observe o Senses
