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Teachers, save “Creu toes Melyn - Making yellow Playdough” to assign it to your class.

Beth Ellis

Creu toes Melyn - Making yellow Playdough

Grades: PK-TK
Subjects: Home Learning, World Languages, Art

Student Instructions

Edrychwch ar y fideo er mwyn dysgu sut i greu toes! - Bydd angen blawd, halen, olew, dwr a lliw melyn arnoch chi. Mae yna fwy o gyfarwyddiadau yma. https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/playdough-recipe - Ydych chi'n gallu creu'r toes ac yna creu pethau melyn allan o'r toes? Falle gallwch greu haul, banana, neu aderyn melyn? -Cofiwch uwchlwytho eich lluniau i Seesaw! Watch the video in order to learn how to make the playdough! - You will need flour (blawd), salt (halen), vegetable oil (olew coginio), water (dwr) and yellow food colouring. There are more instructions here https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/playdough-recipe - Can you make some playdough and use it make some yellow things? Maybe you could make the sun, a banana, or a yellow bird? - Don't forget to upload your picture to Seesaw!
