Instructions for Pupils
I have missed you guys and I am sure so much has happened since we last saw each other. I want to hear all about what you have done! 1) Click the button to start your journal. 2) Use ANY method available to answer the following questions and BE CREATIVE! 3) Answer the following questions: a. What is something that you have done in the last two weeks that you are proud of? b. What is something that has been canceled in your own world that makes you sad? c. What concerns do you have with online learning? d. What are some changes that are taking place at home i.e. babysitting siblings, working more because your job needs you, etc. e. How many hours a week (reasonably) do you believe you will be able to commit to class? 4) When you have answered all of the questions and you are finished, please select the to save it to your journal. You can also select the button if you are not completed and need to come back to edit your responses.