Student Instructions
Listen to the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears using the link below. Gather some construction materials such as boxes, cardboard pieces, paper towel or toilet paper tubes, wood scraps, sticks. Have some connecting materials available such as tape or glue (hint: masking tape is easy for children to tear off pieces and a less messy choice). Have some simple tools on hand such as scissors, screwdrivers, pliers, etc. Finally, find some broken or non working items such as toys or small appliances (with any electric cords removed for safety). Pretend you work at a fix-it shop near the woods where the bears might take Baby Bear's broken chair to be repaired. Look at the broken items. What can you fix? Try to use the materials you have to fix some of the broken items. For another challenge, see if you can use some of the materials to build a chair that stands on its own. Look at a chair that is not broken. What parts do you think are most important when building a chair? Use any materials available to see if you can construct a chair that stands on its own. Is your chair strong enough to hold a toy doll or animal? Take a photo or video of your chair or any items you worked on fixing to share with me. Have fun fixing and building!